#15 - The Evolution of a Personal Trainer's Diet (My Story)

#15 - The Evolution of a Personal Trainer's Diet (My Story)

Welcome to “The Elements of Being” podcast, where I dissect and explore the minds and habits of psychologists, filmmakers, writers, and industry icons. Essentially, we learn what makes them flip the switch to achieve great feats, goals, and milestones…and a chance to geek out over the psychology behind human behavior.

So, what is this podcast specifically about? I examine the mental and emotional narratives and processes that have steered writers, filmmakers, psychologists, and industry icons down their paths in life. Each episode is also a glimpse into the trends and patterns of human behavior and the underlying influences that navigate us into different directions. Whether we primarily focus on nutrition or the unconscious, guests share insights, thought-provoking lessons, the nuances of creativity, and the elements of being….us.

In today’s episode, I share the evolution of my diet. I often think of the first twenty years of my life as a biased introduction of the world curated by the family, friends, culture, and influences of that period. Despite my passionate connection to psychology today, I never examined my role in that world nor how I interacted with it until later in life. Most importantly, I never examined the self-my self-during such a pivotal span of my development. Although a high school psychology course triggered my interest in mental health, I was more enamored with the study of the underlying influences of OTHER people's human behavior (not my own). I never fully examined my body’s relationship with food either.

The Elements of Being Podcast with Michael Moody: The Evolution of a Personal Trainer’s Diet

The Elements of Being Podcast with Michael Moody: The Evolution of a Personal Trainer’s Diet

Fast forward to the present…my diet system has helped me (as well as my personal training clients) build the most optimal "self" while satisfying the mental, craving "self" at times. While it hasn't been a perfect journey, I couldn't be more thankful for the cues and signals that pointed me in this direction.

Here’s what I specifically discussed:

-The lack of physical self-awareness at an early age
-The challenges of trying to attain the ideal self-image
-The depth needed to finally eat with intent
-The internal conflict of choosing a lifestyle outside of the mainstream
-The foundation of a whole food plant-based diet
-The setting of dietary boundaries

To learn more about Michael Moody, check out his book "Redefine Yourself” or say hello on Instagram (@wholeplantpersonaltrainer)!


#16 - The Examination of Personal and Collective Trauma with Dr. Bakalar


#14 - Living with Intent Featuring Author and Vegan Hot for Food Host Lauren Toyota