Charting Your Weight Loss Success

Knowing what you need to do to lose weight with a Chicago personal trainer is only part of the answer.  Tracking your progress is the other.

Below is a real example of weight loss accountability.  This personal training client, Tim, has lost nearly 8 lbs between 10/07/14 and 11/07/14.  Although this is right on pace, he was curious why he didn't lose more.  Take a look and see what trend you find.

Losing weight with a personal trainer in Chicago....and Excel!

Losing weight with a personal trainer in Chicago....and Excel!

Based on the data, my personal training client showed inconsistency in his numbers over the weekends (which Tim has noted as eating things he normally doesn't choose during the week).  Overall, though, Tim is on the right track and has been more consistent with his weight loss trend with this new weekend awareness.  

Tim's reasons for his recent weight loss success:

"Besides eating a vegetarian diet [this doesn't mean pasta time, folks] and cutting out alcohol, consistency and only focusing on what I want to put in my body (instead of what I don't want) are the reasons for my success"

Now it's your turn.


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